On-Demand Webinars
On-Demand Webinars
Harmony provides comprehensive foster parent and adoption support services. In addition, we offer trauma responsive community services and nationwide training that uses a whole brain, whole body, and whole community approach to health and healing. Learn more about Who We Are.
Our trainings are designed for parents, caregivers, and professionals who want to find out more about the latest brain science and best practices that help us understand our children, develop strategies of care, and engage in healing relationships.
If you would like to receive a certificate after purchasing and viewing an on-demand webinar, please reach out to us at training@
For more information about our webinars or training, please reach out to us at training@harmonyfamilycenter.org.
Trauma Responsive Coaching Strategies for Youth Sports

Sports can be a fun and challenging way for children and youth to develop. It can also be a part of the healing process for youth who live in high stress situations or who have experienced trauma. In this three-part video, coaches can learn more about:
- The impact of stress and trauma on youth
- Trauma responsive coaching strategies, and
- De-escalation strategies that will work for all youth
It will give parents and caregivers concepts and language to help advocate for their youth to have positive experiences in sports.
- On Demand Webinar
- Cost to View: $15
- Viewing Time: 1hr 7min
De-escalation Series: Part 1 – Caregiver Preparation and Crisis Planning

Part 1 of 4
The best tool for de-escalating a child in crisis is a regulated adult … and a regulated adultwith a plan is even better. This video will focus on:
- The caregiver’s approach and how to be in a supportive role with the child
- How to develop plans for averting crises and supporting children at different levels of an evolving crisis
- On Demand Webinar
- Cost to View: $10
- Viewing Time: 59min
De-escalation Series: Part 2 – De-escalation Strategies: Tools and Techniques

Part 2 of 4
There are different levels of a crisis and different de-escalation strategies that can be used at each level. This video will focus on:
- When to support and when to teach
- How to present yourself as an ally to a child and not just another obstacle
- How to stand, what to say, and what to do in the midst of a crisis
- On Demand Webinar
- Cost to View: $10
- Viewing Time: 49min
De-escalation Series: Part 3 – Handling Violence Do’s and Don’ts

Even well thought out plans and the best attempts to offer support don’t always work to avert a crisis. Sometimes, a child goes into fight (vs. flight) mode to protect themselves. There are no good answers for how to handle violence…but there are some things that make it worse that we can learn to avoid.
This video will focus on:
- What to do and not to do when a child becomes violent
- When to call in others for support and what to expect of them
- How to care for everyone involved after a violent situation
- On Demand Webinar
- Cost to View: $10
- Viewing Time: 57min
De-escalation Series: Part 4 – Turning a Crisis into a Learning Event: The Life Space Interview

We want to prevent crises, and better yet, help children to learn how to appropriately handle crisis situations. However, getting the timing right for learning and these important conversations is crucial. This video will focus on:
- When and how to move from crisis to learning by using The Life Space Interview
- What to do when this conversation doesn’t go as planned
- On Demand Webinar
- Cost to View: $10
- Viewing Time: 55min
Education Advocacy: Does My Child Need an IEP?

Navigating the school system when a child is struggling academically, behaviorally, or emotionally, can be an overwhelming experience for parents. Whether it is informal support, a 504, or an Individual Education Plan (IEP), Harmony’s Education Advocate will explain the steps to getting your child the help they need.
- On Demand Webinar
- Cost to View: FREE
- Viewing Time: 56min
Therapeutic Parenting: Finding Resilience Through Community

Foster and adoptive care can often isolate families. Stress, challenging behaviors, multiple therapy appointments, and perceptions of foster care have a way of shrinking a parent’s community when they need it the most. In this webinar, presented by a seasoned adoptive parent, learn how to create and nurture the social web for you and your children.
- On Demand Webinar
- Cost to View: $10
- Viewing Time: 49min
Therapeutic Parenting: Relationships Matter

In this video, we will explore attachment and how it impacts foster/adoptive families. Join Allison Cooke Douglas, adoptive mother of four and Director of Harmony Family Center’s Resource Center in examining the role of relational health in the life span, how foster care and adoption can impact a child’s healthy relationships and how parents can build or strengthen a child’s capacity to connect and create healthier relationships.
- On Demand Webinar
- Cost to View: $10
- Viewing Time: 1hr 20min
Therapeutic Parenting: Discipline

Children who have been abused, neglected or substance-exposed don’t always respond to typical forms of discipline, challenging and frustrating many foster and adoptive parents. Join Allison Cooke Douglas, adoptive parent and Director of Harmony Family Center’s Resource Center, in an hour-long discussion of why old standbys like timeout, spanking and lectures don’t work for our kids and how parents can shift to mindful, connected discipline techniques for difficult behaviors.
- On Demand Webinar
- Cost to View: $10
- Viewing Time: 1hr 4min
Therapeutic Parenting: Why Good Times Go So Bad

Birthday parties, vacations, family get-togethers…these events sound like lots of fun, but for families parenting foster and adopted kids, they can be a challenge. In this video, we will explore why good times can be so difficult for kids with trauma and attachment challenges and some tips for avoiding what can sometimes feel like “sabotage” by reframing it as “struggle.”
- On Demand Webinar
- Cost to View: $10
- Viewing Time: 59min