Finding Our Children Unconditional Support

Every child deserves a chance for a forever family.

The Finding Our Children Unconditional Support (FOCUS) Program is a collaboration among the Tennessee Department of Children’s Services, Harmony Family Center, and provider agencies across the state to encourage the adoption of children in the Tennessee foster care system. FOCUS serves children in full guardianship in the statewide foster care system who need a forever family. These children are often more challenging to place because of their length of time in custody, history of multiple home or residential placements, and their emotional and behavioral needs. FOCUS works to build a team of support around each child. 

Since the program was founded in 2007, more than 3,400 children have been served with 64% of these children finding legal permanency. An additional 27% of youth served have exited the program with supports in place such as reconnecting with a former foster parent or family member or participation in the extension of foster care program. It is essential that every child has a team of support and a place to spend the holidays year after year.

For additional information about FOCUS or how to become involved in the life of the children we serve, please visit our partner website below:

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